Requirements for Credit

In order to receive college credit for an internship you must take the communication internship course CM421 (or CM423 for 1-credit, which doesn’t count toward graduation requirements) concurrent with the internship. Permission to register for the course is granted on the assumption that student and advisor both understand the following:

  • It is Loyola University Maryland policy that sophomores, juniors and seniors may receive academic credit for taking an internship.
  • The internship may be paid or unpaid.
  • Only internships that provide on-site supervision will be approved (i.e., “virtual/remote” internships are not permitted).
  • Two internships (and only two internships) may be counted toward graduation.
  • CM421 can be counted as an Intermediate Course or a Free Elective Course for the Communication major or minor.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make the arrangements for the internship. Although there is some flexibility, internships average 120-150 hours (roughly 8-10 hours per week for 15 weeks) of on-site internship work. Faculty in the Dept. of Communication can give advice about places to do internships, but finding and arranging the internship is done by the student.
  • During the semester that the internship is taking place, there may be meetings with the intern coordinator, though most of the work is done via Moodle.

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