This is Alison Kiczek, a former student of yours from the Class of 2006, Communications Major and a Marketing Minor. I am currently working at MilkPEP on the “client side” of the National got milk? Milk Mustache Marketing Campaign.
We are going to be looking for a summer intern this year so if you have any students who would be interested in a summer internship at MilkPEP in Washington, DC, please have them email me at with their resume and specification of whether they are looking for a paid internship, internship for credit, or either. This would be a really good experience for an intern. We are a small group of only 11 people who work with 5 global marketing agencies. An intern would get many valuable learning opportunities on a nationally acclaimed marketing campaign. Great for a resume!
Please share this opportunity with your students and have them contact me if they are interested.
Thanks so much,
Alison Kiczek
Marketing Manager
1250 H Street, NW
Suite 950
Washington, DC 20005
(p) 202.220.3558
(f) 202.737.0156