STUDENTS: Get Permission to Register for Credit

You may register for the CM internship course only after being granted permission by the instructor/department. Please use the form below to submit your internship for consideration. We’ll let you know when the internship is approved and you’re able to register.

DETAILS: Permission to register for CM 421/CM 423 is granted on the assumption that student and advisor both understand the following:

  1. ONCE PERMISSION IS GRANTED—after the review of information supplied through this form—you must register for CM421 (3 credits) or CM423 (one credit) via WebAdvisor or the Records Office.
  2. Students must pay via the Business Office, in addition to registering for the course concurrent with the internship.
  3. It is Loyola University Maryland policy that only junior and senior students may receive academic credit for taking an internship.
  4. Students may now receive credit for TWO internships, (communication/marketing, etc) both of which may be counted toward graduation.
  5. CM421 can be counted as a Upper-Level Course or a Free Elective Course for the Communication major or minor.
  6. Internship credit for CM421 requires at least 150 hours (10-15 hours per week) over the semester; 50 hours for CM423 (which doesn’t count toward your major/minor).
  7. Faculty in the Department of Communication can give advice about places to do internships, but finding and arranging the internship is the responsibility of the student.
  8. During the semester that the internship is taking place, there may be one-hour class meetings each week. Students will communicate with the internship coordinator regularly via e-mail and Moodle.
  9. Students will be responsible for communicating with the internship coordinator, and completing any required assignments. An evaluation from your internship supervisor is required at the completion of the internship.
  10. Credit is not retroactive (for internships already completed, for example).

After reviewing this info and providing your internship details below, please click the “I agree to the rules/requirements as stated above and attest that all information provided is accurate” at the end of the form.

Please use the form below to apply for permission to register for a CM Internship Course.

Request Permission to Register